Led by the memories playing throughout the Golden Spire, Aurelia found a passage where an ornate wall used to stand. It looks like the core of the Golden Spire. As she near, another memory begins to play.

"Sarah, I leave everything in your hands then." Ingram walks down the corridor, a crystal staff in hand.

"After all this trouble, it would still take another three thousand years for this even crazier to work? Perhaps sundering the world was the better plan after all."

"At this point, one can only hope, Kassandra."

"I am sure it will, Kassandra." Ingram vanished in a flash of light as she walks toward the core, leaving behind only her crystal staff.

"Lunatic Pandora online." The Golden Spire hums to life.

"Lunatic Pandora online, as promised."
An flickered behind Aurelia.

The apparition flickers again before leading Aurelia to the core. It is a deep chasm glowing an eerie magical light, surrounded by machinery of unknown purpose.

The apparition points to a set of stairs leading down the chasm. Before disappearing again. "They have been waiting, hurry along."

Aurelia arrives at a familiar room. Everyone is waiting for her arrival.

A crystal staff lie on an empty dais. It is where the final ancient memory took place. As Aurelia gets close to where Gentiana and Vona stood, the staff begins to glow.

"We suppose now is a good time to explain everything." The apparition appeared next to Aurelia.

"Is this a recording?" Vona reaches out to the apparition, but the flickering apparition touched Vona.

"We are Sarah, the last of Ingram Kassandra. We have waited a long time to finally greet you, sisters." She courtesyed Calca and Gentiana.

"We require your help to complete our long mission." For some reason, she begins to turn to Aurelia, as if speaking directly to her.

"Our Creator ripped the Crystal Tower to this moon thousands of years ago. She wanted to created a new generation of Weapons one day capable of defeating the Altima Weapon."

"Lacking the lifespan and expertise to see it to completion, she created us instead. We are Thirteen, created to carry on her will and complete the Omega Weapon."

"And now in our most dire hour, we are finally within reach."

"How? If we are Weapons and the Weapons are as they were shown in the memories around the tower, how are we superior?"

"Make no mistake, Gentiana. We the Thirteen, are not Replicant humans, we are Weapons. When our Creator made the Altima Weapon, it is essentially a simulacra of souls of Warriors of Light and Warriors of Darkness. We were given human form, her form. We are not truly flesh and blood."

"The Replicants are just engineered humans, with the same potentials and limitations. She understands that to create a Weapon capable of defeating the Altima Weapon require not the mere work of a woman's lifetime but the crucible of an entire civilization."

"The Crystal Tower drains Aether from every Replicant on Earth and Luna. Every year, the rate is increased, meaning only the most powerful models will survive. Now even your most basic models have achieved functional immortality despite the Tower."

"The mere presence of survivors when the Tower drained lethal level of Aether from the entire Earth is proof enough that without the Tower actively interfering, we have achieved designs that are superior to that of the Weapon."

"Now, we have bore witness models of Replicants with baseline performance comparable to Weapons."

"One, in particular, even broke the limits of the Tower and retained memory and power beyond resets, something only achieved by Light's Chosen. The last such being became the core of Altima Weapon."

"How exactly are you going to complete the Omega Weapon, and if we agree to this, what happens after?"

"As you are the core of Jade Weapon, Gentiana as the core of Sapphire, we were designed to be the core of Omega Weapon. Once we are completed, we would require the magicites of the Thirteen to be awaken. We would then take the Crystal Tower to return home to defeat Altima Weapon as planned. The only ones left are you, Brina, and Gentiana."

"In order to complete ourselves, we must merge your vessel with our will. Only you are capable of traversing time and space back to the ancient times intact."

"What about everything here?"

"Once completed, we will be able to perform one final reset, it should return the Earth and Luna to a recent state before Lunatic Pandora is breached. We cannot reset further or risk creating permanent timelines and damaging reality."

"She meant the people. What will happen to everyone if Gentiana is gone and the Tower disappears."

"They are Replicants. They are fully capable of sustaining their civilization as they have done. They can do as they wish. Should new models with baseline human capabilities be introduced, they can repopulate as other baseline humans do."

"Time is short. How should we proceed?"